Loan amount : 0.03 BTC
Repayment amount : 0.033 BTC
Interest : 10%
Term length : 7 days
Collateral : My Bitcointalk account. I successfully participated in Enigma Catalyst's signature campaign for the full 3 weeks it ran and they are yet to payout their Enigma tokens [70 ECAT/week ($42) * 3] which will be 210 ECAT tokens ($126). If I default on this loan, you get to keep my Bitcointalk account + you can provide your Ethereum address to receive the ECAT tokens for yourself.
Spreadsheet Link - Confirms that I was 'to be paid' during all 3 weeks.
Campaign manager Woshib confirming that the tokens are yet to be paid and instructions will follow
I will provide any more information if at all required.
Really hoping someone will fill this loan for me.
I hope you know that future income isnt exactly valid collateral, and I do not believe that your account (or the payout) is 120% of what youre asking. Someone *might* take you up on this offer, but I wouldn’t count on it.
The future income is coming from a trusted source which is issuing tokens at the end of its ICO and this will definitely happen. The tokens itself is around 105%~ and my account included, it clearly becomes over 130%. As I said, I wouldn't let it go down to that stage where I will be defaulting this loan so I'm still positive that someone will fill this.
First of all, future crypto income it's not something that definitely will/can happen. Wherever it comes from. Plus that the CM can always refuse to accept changing your Address...
Second, tokens it's better and wiser not to be treaten like Alts. They are not coins.
Third, your Account is not worth the amount that you see on Bctalkaccountpricer. This value is not accurate at all, especially with BTC at 4000$.
Finally you say that you will not Default (why to say that if you are not?) and that you will repay. Why you will do this, because you should?
You have been in a Campaign, an "Alt" paid one (because nobody will get you enrolled in a BTC paid Campaign) just to get the bounty from their ICO, at the lowest rank that you can join.
You post only for getting whatever you can get and because you knew that you will have to wait, in order to liquidate these tokens/reward, you come here and ask for a Loan.
You are not a supporter or an investor of this project and i don't even imagine that you will return to repay. It's not your purpose after all...
First of all, if you truly bothered reading the content that I posted in OP, you would realize that the campaign was a BTC + altcoin paying one. Already having received the BTC for 3 weeks, I wished to offer my account + the 'alts' you mentioned as a collateral if possible.
Secondly, coming to the price of accounts, never priced my account based off of Bctaccountpricer. If I did, I would've said that the collateral would be covering 200% and not 130%.
Thirdly, you're nobody to tell me if I will be accepted in a BTC signature campaign or not, not sure where you get that superiority complex in your head that only you can get paid to post.
Since this is going nowhere, I'll close this thread now as I will be making other arrangements since the lenders here aren't satisfied with the collateral.