Vod already said it, but I'd like to emphasize that your account is not worth $10.
I've already explained myself for why your collateral would not be seen as valid. Although, it is fun to run around in circles with you, so let's have another go at it. It is barely trading on any exchange. The 24h volume, as I already said, is only about 1-2BTC for each of the coins you are offering as collateral. This means that almost nobody is trading these coins, at all, and it is very likely that they will stop being traded entirely with this kind of trade volume.
You continue to claim these as facts, when they aren't even reasonable opinions.
Then you are refusing to look at things objectively, and you would only consider this to be "fair" if you got what you are asking for. "Fair" does not mean "I'm satisfied", it means you get what you deserve and in this instance you are certainly being treated fairly. Nobody from DT has given you negative reputation, and the only thing that has happened so far is multiple people attempting to explain to you how loans, collateral, etc. work around here. You are refusing to accept what we are telling you, digging your heels in, doubling down and making somewhat of an ass of yourself.
Doing bounties for shitcoin ICOs is extremely unreliable. Whenever they claim that their coin is going to be $1 a piece, you can almost guarantee that it will never be worth $1 outside of Minute 1 and 2 of trading. It is almost a surefire bet that it will hit exchanges at $1 and then tank, forever. The fact that you have not been paid yet as literally nothing to do with you requesting a loan. Even if you did default on a loan, refuse to pay and received negative reputation, this would not change your status with BITTO.
I am looking for someone who would have the perspective of helping me enjoy my day off with no risk on his side.
Again, Thank you for your posts guys but I would appreciate support at this time.
Well, now that we've told you that your offer is terrible and won't be taken seriously, you still aren't changing the terms.. You're just hoping that someone will be altruistic or ignorant enough to do you a favor. There is risk on the lender's side, and if you cannot see that after the extensive explanations that have been provided, then you are a lost cause.
The only perspective to be had, is that you are offering collateral that is NOT valid and that you are actively trying to sell. You cannot force your terrible proposals down our throat and expect us to say "thank you". Change your terms, or continue to live in fantasy land, hoping a fairy will grant your wish.