For future reference, when you're using an escrow for a a pair of GPUs, normally it is best practice to actually test the cards before releasing the funds. You haven't tested the cards, but you're giving them a ranting review and after spending over $1,200 you'd think you would want to know if they even work. The cards look good, and arrived, but you defeated the purpose of an escrow by releasing the funds before seeing if they're functional; GPUs aren't there to look pretty, they are there to hash, render and do work. Hoping that they work isn't doing anyone much good.
They are just fine after the test.
I trusted the seller to release the funds because i still believe there is good people around.
After check, cards work just like they look. Perfect.
I'm buying another set of two from this guy again.
Can't be more satisfied dealing with legit people like the OP and minerjones.