I am have having one issue with the JSON command set. When issuing a "walletpassphrase" command with the pass and time, I receive a "error 500" exception. I receive the same error when attempting to send from an encrypted wallet without unlocking it first. Originally I caught that exception and used it as the indicator that a wallet was encrypted and needed to be unlocked to send. But I cannot get the daemon to accept the "Walletpassphrase" command through JSON.
Edit: Sorry Sunny, late night, I see that it is in the original API spec.
If anybody has any clue, please let me know. I would really hate resorting to calling a new PPCoin daemon instance just for this one command.
The walletpassphrase command only has a small change from Bitcoin, with an additional optional flag to only mint block. I am using it on commandline myself so it should be working. I assume it works when you do it with ppcoind but not via json?
It appears this is a problem will all the daemons based on the original BTC daemon. I have not found a JSON based workaround, so for now the wallet encryption commands are calling out a second daemon instance to execute.