I am coordinating a group buy (GB) of shares from Dragon Miners provided and hosted by pcfli:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/wwweasy2minecom-340-the-group-buy-of-antminer-s5psu-included-514758 . Hashing will begin once 1T of hashing power has been sold.
Price ranges from $3.65 per Gh/s to $3.10 per Gh/s.
Cost breakdown
1 share = 25 Gh/s = 0.1893 BTC ($91.25) for 1-9 shares
10 shares = 250 Gh/s = 1.7894 ($862.5) for 10-19 shares
20 shares = 500 Gh/s = 3.3714 ($1625) for 20-29 shares
30 shares = 750 Gh/s = 4.8236 ($2325) for 30-40 sharesThe wallet for the payment of shares for this GB is:
RemovedBTC-e will be used as the USD/BTC conversion.
The group will determine the mining pool through a weighted vote. Simply tell how many shares you wish to purchase and which pool you wish to mine. Provide your TxID in your post as well.
Payouts will occur on the 1st and the 15th of the month. The management fee is 3% which decreases by 0.5% after every 2 payouts. The maintenance fee is $250 and will be paid to pcfli.
Minimum term of this group buy is 3 months and the maximum length is 6 months. At 3 months the group through a weighted vote can determine to continue mining or sell the miner with priority going to a member of the GB. At six months the miner will be sold if not sold at the interim vote. Again a GB member has priority if agreed upon by the majority of the members through a weighted vote. The profits will be split between the GB and shipping costs covered by the GB.
I take no responsibility for hardware failures. Warranty issues will be handled by pcfli.
Who am I?I am nobody really. I am not vetted although it is not for lack of trying. I contacted a few members previously known for these services, but did not receive a response. I also asked a few reputable escrow providers if they provided vetting services, but they were not interested which I can understand. I am not a Hero or Senior Member. I unfortunately have not been around since Satoshi sent the first BTC. I have only been around for a few months, but I try to keep my posts somewhat substantial and don’t worry about my activity count or how many gold coins I have under my name.
I do have respect for those who have contributed to this community and have been here for awhile, but I am not racing to see how fast I can join their ranks.So how can anyone trust me? Sadly, there is nothing I can say that will make me trustworthy only time can do that. I have paired with a vendor that has shipped close to 100 units and has given his approval for this GB.
No contact through Skype. Initial contact will be made through the forum then if needed and agreed upon email maybe utilized as a form of contact on a case by case basis utilizing the email on my forum profile.
I am about 100% transparency and enjoying BTC. Why? After getting greedy and getting a dose of reality in a scam I realized I had approached this community for the wrong reasons so hopefully now I can enjoy BTC mining and spread some hashes around.