The issuer has the right to issue more shares and buy back shares (at the value of 1 S.MPOE share on MPex). The shares have no voting rights.
This doesn't sound fair.
Issuing more shares without early announcement affects the ability of existing share holders to sell their stake if they want to.
And if we go by Satoshi Dice pass through on bitfunder, we know that bitfunder prices are always more than MPex prices - because of the 30 bitcoin MPex fee. Existing share holders can be screwed any time you see a good arbitrage opportunity. If you want to buy back shares, buy them back from the bitfunder market at the valuations the market decides. You shouldn't have the right to buy back shares from Bitfunder pass through share holders based on the price and valuations on the MPex market.
While it might effect the short term liquidity of the market it has no long term effect of introducing more shares as the backing or underlying asset of is share is exactly the same independent of how many shares I issue.
Arbitrage is a healthy thing for the market it brings down the spread and it's part of the free market hence I encourage it. I arbitrage when I see that the spreads are great and hence causes problems for people who want to sell/buy the shares.
The reason why I have this clause is in the case where I want to back up my bags and shut down the pass through, Please look through my past. I do not misuse my contracts for personal gain.
I decided to take away 22k as they were selling faster then I could keep up with, hence I was starting to have naked sales.
Hence I took the offer down and I now have a new offer which is completely backed
Each share is (supposed to) be backed with 1 MPOE share, so I don't really see the problem of issuing more shares if DeadTerra isn't naked short selling
The issue is each pass through share is usually priced at a premium than the MPex rate. I buy them at a premium. If new shares are issued at the MPex rate, it definitely affects my ability to sell my stake. I have to either sell at a lower rate, or wait and pray that the new shares issued doesn't satisfy the market demand.
All new share issues should have prior warnings.
If new shares are issued at the MPex rate, then you could buy that and not pay it at a premium. Obviously there's a risk with paying more than MPex price.
This is some of the arguments which were used against Erik when he issued more shares, You are arguieing out of a speculation point of view, this is not investing but gambling. For a investor the short term market price should not matter other then as a way to buy or sell at that price, as long as the underlying assets are the same a investor should not see a problem with issuing more shares.
But as said previously I am not looking to abuse the contract and manipulate the market, it's simply for my own comfort which I have the clause of that I can issue shares as I would like.
I will try to post when I issue more shares but this is not something I can promise.
If new shares are issued at the MPex rate, then you could buy that and not pay it at a premium.
Obviously there's a risk with paying more than MPex price.
I understand. I am willing to take the risk of paying more than the MPex price as well as get only 95% of the dividends for 2 reasons:
i. Save on the MPex fee of 30 bitcoins
ii. Have liquidity in the market - allowing me to sell the shares at a price higher than I would be able to at MPex.
But by issuing new shares and flooding the market, I get affected if I want to sell my shares. It completely negates the second reason people pay a premium for for pass through shares.
I'm happy if I want to buy them, but not if I want to sell.
That is why, any manipulation of supply and demand should require prior warning.
People should not pay extra for shares if their reason is that they believe that they maintain this higher value in the future, that's speculation once again and someone who speculatates short term must understand the risk they are taking. I can not control the market, nor will I try to. I will issue shares when I can and I feel like issuing more shares, but I will not use it as a means to manipulate the market.