What myself and others are saying is we understand that the devs don't want to promote NODE just yet, but why are the hundreds of millions of NODE that the devs own not being put to use to help with other things, including business development, coding, website improvements, etc? Why are those that volunteered not being replied to? I gave some Twitter tips and volunteered to help 5-10 hours a week with social media...no response! Even if the answer is "no", why not give some kind of response? Is 520 hours a year of free labor not important to you? Someone else offered to redo the website, since it is riddled with broken links and has sub-par design and navigation. No response. There was also another guy some pages back that offered to give them a brand new logo 100% free of charge. No response.
Go take a look at the FRESHcoin thread. The dev did the exact same thing there; ignored those trying to help. He got offers to have the entire business and marketing plan done for him, professional new logo, promotional materials, and professionally done promotional video. By ignoring them, he got NOTHING. These services cost thousands of dollars. Where is the logic in this? For what reason would you not want to answer an email from someone giving you everything on a silver platter? You're busy, I understand. But do you expect those people to just wait around for a month until you're ready to talk to them? Guess what, they're busy too, and before long they will move on themselves.
I still own a lot of NODE and believe that it has a chance in the long term, but the devs need BALANCE in their efforts. It can't be 99% working on code, .5% marketing, .5% business development. That is a recipe for disaster. If you do not stay relevant, the best product in the world can't save you because by the time it is finished everyone has forgotten about you.
Yes, we want to start marketing and are ready to provide users give the initiative, if most of You agree the promotion of coins before we're finished POA, then we can start soon
If people are offering to promote NODE, it certainly won't hurt anything to let them. Use the community to your advantage.
P.S. But I'd still continue on with developing the coin as you are currently doing. I think you're doing a good job thus far.