Hello everybody!
I know that it might seem a little bit strange that a newly registered member post something like in his first post. But I hope that I can prove that I'm a trustworthy and honest guy.
Anyhow, I have a little problem.
I like electronics and I like bitcoins and it's community
and I want to buy a Atari Punk Console (
http://shrp.me/projects/apc/) The problem is that the guy who is selling the circuit boards do not ship internationally and I live in Sweden.
So I'm asking if someone could buy the circuit board for me (or an alternative is that I buy it and let him send it to you) then I pay you to ship it to me.
For the trouble you're going through, I can offer anyone doing this for me some coins (you name a reasonable price).
I would be highly grateful if someone could help me out.
(I might also add that I'm selling off some stuff at:
http://www.biddingpond.com/active_auctions.php?user_id=324 mostly anarchism related crap though)
Edit 2:
If there is anyway that I can prove that I'm trustworthy I will gladly do it if that would make anyone more interested in helping me?