how about some calculations or other arguments?
Price per GH/s: 0.00135BTC
Maintenance fee: $0.0032536/GHS/Day
Current BTC->USD exchange rate: $400
Purchase 1TH/s for 1.35BTC. As of right now, that expects to earn you 0.01686BTC per day. At current exchange rates, that's $6.74 per day. Subtract out maintenance fees of $3.25 per day. Net earnings per day is $3.49.
Now let's extrapolate over time using 20%, 10%, 5% difficulty jumps:
20%: -1.192BTC. Cost of fees outstrips earnings after 53 days.
10%: -1.004BTC. Cost of fees outstrips earnings after 109 days.
5%: -0.6203BTC. Cost of fees outstrips earnings after 208 days.
Even with 5% difficulty increases you have no prayer at current exchange rates.
Let's do the same calculations assuming BTC miraculously recovers and hits $750 today:
20%: -0.3115BTC. Cost of fees outstrips earnings after 104 days.
10%: 0.1492BTC. Cost of fees outstrips earnings after 203 days.
5%: 1.071BTC. Cost of fees outstrips earnings after 385 days.
If by some miracle BTC skyrockets today and holds at $750, you still need to bank on having 10% or less difficulty increases to actually turn a profit.
That a good enough set of calculations for you?