I hope your proud of your creation satoshi, This is not the first or last death, it will only escalate, escalate it will.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7TLFyK_3PkThis blood is on your hands. You have the power to change it, but you remain a idle idol, I wish I had your influence, I would actually use it.
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=bitcoin+robbery just read some of the headlines my friend.
Brothers tied up, sprayed with bleach during bitcoin tech robbery
Bitcoin trader brutally tortured with drill in cryptocurrency robbery
Britain's first Bitcoin heist as trader forced at gunpoint to transfer cyber
Man mugged in Taiwan's first bitcoin robbery | South China Morning Post
Bitcoin Exchange Hit By Armed Robbers in Thwarted Theft
It will get worse and worse and worse, as the supply gets less and less and less.
Hal`s kids will be targeted because of you.