ForkDelta Buy Price 0.004761900 CO2/ETH :!/trade/CO2-ETH
CoinExchange Sell price 0.00242816-0.0035 CO2/ETH ( Most are 0.0035 CO2 / ETH)
Buy price on forkdelta is 0.004761900 CO2/ETH 1771 CO2 With a total of 8.148 ETH. While you can buy CO2 In coinexchange with a total of 1711 only with
0.00350000 CO2/ETH with total 5.99748275 ETH. It seems some people have started doing the arbit. Because a few days back I see the buy order is still around 19ETH and now live about 8ETH.
Maybe that's it this time, I'll try to find another coin that can be in arbit later.
Note : I'm not promoting this coin or anything like that, I just found it. I'm not responsible if something happens, do at your own risk.
Good Luck Guys!!!
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