I am not sure whether this is in the interest of a user of the decentralized Internet forum. I find it hard to imagine that they would want to do without the convenience of the usual internet forums and provide extra resources for this. It's important not to lose sight of what the user would actually gain from such an architecture. Decentralized administration is opposed to user-friendliness, all of which must be justified, otherwise potential users will lose all interest in something like this. So you have to make it somewhat palatable to them. Just calling it "decentralized" won't be enough. Additionally, don't expect them to buy extra hardware or provide extra ressources just to being able to run this software
Yes you are right, actually it is not well suited for general users.
From user point of view, actually this decentralized forum is very much like current forums (like VBulletin, SMF or ...) with few key differences:
- It uses public key and signature instead of username/password combination
- Database is on blockchain instead of MySQL, thus anyone can simply fork the whole network
- It is an binary application on client side (need installation), instead of being web based.
- It have way less features and wayyyy more complications versus SMF
I think it suits for pro users which are familiar with cryptography, programming and ...