
Topic: Codishmumu's "Are you a bad parent" test. 🌠🔎 (Read 277 times)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
🌟Let's find out if you're a bad parent, or soon to be bad parent by my standards! Disclaimer: This is my opinion, which I have the right to speak! So if you're one of those people that take offense to people's inner thoughts, I advise you to get off my property! =^_____^=

Codishmumu thinks you're a bad parent or soon to be bad parent if...

1. You spend too much time with work. It's important to work to keep a roof over your kid's head, but what you put in the kid's head is just as important. Take time with your kids to raise them, and teach them valuable life lessons that they can utilize when they grow up. My parents never did that for me, and I had to figure my path out on my own.

2. You're verbally and physically harsh with your children. It's good to punish your kids to let them know what they're doing is wrong, but there's a fine line between discipline and abuse. You will emotionally make your children believe you don't care if you hurt them, and you could get your kids taken away from you if you ever lay one violent hand on them.

3. You go out too much. Parents need to remind themselves that they're no longer single players or party goers. A physical life form now looks to you for support. Taking time to unwind and have some adult fun is okay, but don't do it around your kids if you don't want them picking up on that behavior, and make sure to do it less so you have time to spend with your kids, and your job.

4. If you have children for the purpose of having them take care of you in your old age. That is so unbelievably selfish and ridiculous. I am a firm believer in Karma, and she will make sure they put you in a home where you will be verbally and physically abused by nurses that simply don't care about you.

5. If you have children for the intention of trapping someone into paying you child support. It doesn't work. My niece's mother slept with my brother to get the child support, my brother caught on, slapped the hell out of her so much to the point that he went to jail, and now the daughter and mother are staying with me.

And the last one!

6. Having children to secretly live your childhood dreams through. That is very frowned down upon, and it makes you look like you are overbearing with your children over luxuries they cannot handle or never asked for. It's best to ask the child what they want. Your childhood is over, and there's nothing you can do to get it back, change it, or make it better. You can control whether your child has a good childhood though. Better not force false imaginations of what they want into them.

What makes a good parent is the parent that has children for the reason of simply loving something, and setting it free. Having your own offspring is a wonderful blessing which you could physically call a piece of you, but adopting children can be even greater! You get to show an orphan care and love that the child simply couldn't get. You will love yourself for eternity. <3

A child is not an investment, a toy, a personal punching bag, or a wish granter. A child is a person. Treat them that way.

Okay. I'm done. Better go finish my Sunday knitting. Hope that didn't hurt anyone's feelings.
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