Now thats a brilliant idea!
And I'm sure it has been thought of... many times.
Why can coinbase or bitpay or blockchain not be able to front run the implimentation of this model and also tell the government they need a warrant... and or let the shifting landscape takeover and people will need to move beyond the reach of the IRS or other global tax thugs.
I am not necessarily in the camp that thinks taxes are evil.
I think I hope consciousness takes over earth magically over my lifetime.
Because this is complete bullshit when you think of it.
How would roads get built if we do not want have a tax revenue?
Yet at the same time bitcoin will not accomplish its goal connecting merchant to customer if the IRS gets to do whatever they damn please with the threat of taking everything you possess including your freedom to roam as you wish, which is largely illegal, globally. This does not mean impossible.
There are some 200,000 people with NO nation home. Why should they be forced to pay taxes.?
Statelessness is a legal concept describing the lack of any nationality.
It denotes the absence of a recognized link between an individual and any state.
A de jure stateless person is someone who is "not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law".[1]
A de facto stateless person is someone who is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or, for valid reasons, unwilling
to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country.[2] This can be a result of persecution or a consequence of lack of
diplomatic relations between the state of nationality and the state of residence.
Some de jure stateless persons are also refugees, although not all asylum seekers are de jure stateless and not all de jure stateless
persons are refugees. Many stateless persons have never crossed an international border.