Have been trying to work on myself lately and have come across a few things that I was unable to see about myself that others would say "duh" about me.
So in that vein I was wondering what cognitive bias any of you think you may lean on and what you are doing about it.
Link to list of common cognitive biases:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biasesLately for me it is the "Sterotypical bias"!
Memory distorted towards stereotypes (e.g., racial or gender), e.g., "black-sounding" names being misremembered as names of criminals.Found myself filling in the persons sex and sometimes race when being told a story. Say some one has a name that I would consider feminine and then finding out they where
actually male. Or a story about some one and letting a societal label dictate in my head what sex they are without being offered the information.
To deal with this I am asking for more information and not letting myself fill in the blanks or pausing to realize I filled in the blank without getting the information.
Shoot me some biases and tell me how you are working on them!