's Bitcoin buy tool -> deposit BTC on GDAX -> BTC/LTC -> Withdraw!
looool so right, exactly what I'm saying. Coinbase isn't some big thing. A small group of people who hardly know about crypto might buy it because it is available directly as usd to litecoin but it is so insignificant that the hype surrounding it is hilarious.
The ONE time I tried to use coinbase was back in 2014 and when I tried to purchase BitCoin after a steep, temporary dip in price. They took forever to confirm my transaction then denied it without a reason. The reason was because I got a good price and they are a dishonorable business.
I dont remember the specifics, I think theres a wait time between the attempt to purchase and the transaction clearing? Idk. Either way, that's what happened. Writing support by email they gave no explanation and told me I could buy at the price that was probably $150 or so more expensive.