I think it's a good sign that things like this are happening.
Also I just noticed this exchange in the comments on Fred Wilson's latest blog and think it shows the shifting perceptions in the image of bitcoin recently. I think the Wordpress announcement has caused many people to reevaluate and the longer bitcoin sticks around the more and more people are going to come to the conclusion that bitcoin is a real viable thing.
I've been following a few Bitcoin companies here in Finland, and as an earlier Bitcoin sceptic, I was surprised how much activity and money there is already in Bitcoin economy. I think a lot of investors are underestimating what's going on in Bitcoin world, because it's still so far away from the mainstream.
But many truly disruptive things were viewed as toys or pure idiocy in the early days. I'm speaking from the experience here. When we started Jaiku, a microblogging service similar to Twitter, in 2006, before Twitter and before Facebook's activity stream. At that time, a lot of people said that broadcasting and reading short mundane thoughts was the stupidest idea they had ever heard of. Fast-forward a few years and hundred of millions of people are doing it everyday.
Based on what I've seen, I'm starting to think that Bitcoin might be a similar phenomenon.
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fredwilson Mod Teemu Kurppa • 2 days ago