The important question is will "Gemini" or "Lunar" resolve the fundamental question - Consumer adoption or uptake. No. they will not, the only thing they will help is to dump more coins. The price is held due to liquidity issues. Make bitcoin buy/sell more liquid, then we will see price dynamics. I know there will be comments - "we are not here for price" or "it does not matter what the price of 1 bitcoin is" but for few like me it does matter.
Edit: Expect imminent dumps
Like yourself, I hope the BTC community begins to start realizing where the tech is going and to logically reason that the outcome has nothing to do with helping out fellow Bitcoiners and "global adoption." Based on your conclusions, I can see you understand the importance of this.
Massive mainstream fiat will push the price up, NOT massive investment capital. People with money are not interested in getting rich, they are interested in staying that way. Poor people are interested in getting rich, not the wealthy.
The expansions of BTC infrastructure are being erected for the fiat elites to control the direction of the technology. The last piece in the puzzle is getting the average joe to like Bitcoin and provide the rope for his hanging voluntarily under the premise that it is "hip," "cool," makes you new age," whatever the reason.
If you want to get 'rich', get in now. Buy as many as you can afford to (following all standard advice about no loans, common sense, etc.), hold and cash out at a peak you think is sufficient. If the tech sticks around, you can use it with the real fiat millions you made earlier.