Yes it does. They are actually pretty strict about their cards. I just tried to add a card that expires at the end of the month and it didn't work, even though my card still works everywhere else. I guess that because of the chargeback they pay close attention.
You should check with your bank does it have 3D Secure? Or just try adding a card and if it works, it works.
Thanks for the response. I don't see 3D Secure anywhere on my online banking - I'll have to ask at the desk next week. But I did just try adding my card. It seems to work, but I get this message: "Credit Card Added -- You can now buy up to €0.00 of bitcoin per day instantly." Lol?
Edit: When I actually try to buy it says
Well there you go then, your card was 3D Secure! I guess you have the same limit as myself, €40 a day!