Hi, I'm interested by your account. But first for me the price is too expansive, I can pay 20 dollar if you want, no more. And I have some questions. How many candy do you have (it's the most importante, you must have never made any evolution (expect for basic pokemon like ratata) and reloads) ? Need a lot of candy particularly for eevee (+2000) and magicarp (+4000) ... Later, Do you use the invubator, incence ..? Do you have snype ?, because I need a lot of candy of many rare pokemon and many rare pokemon with hight CP and IV. Please send me screen shot of your account.
Details below i made pictures to help if you get confused.
1. go to http://www.rsorder.com/old-school-rs-gold
2. click the 10m option: https://gyazo.com/79794c77dd5b65a789518d5807999c8d
3. fill in your information and put my runescape name (uk5) in the box like so: https://gyazo.com/878b569ed32883c0a86fae314bf9faf6
4. I collect gold ingame and sent your details straight away.
Im home in an hour at max if I have to do it at home I will add any 5 pokemon 2.2k+ cp as a late gift.
Sorry it was already installed but my boss might have removed it as it's not work related, I will be online the whole time as I won't scam you
If i dont recover it by tomorrow ill give you a 100% refund, I also have other accounts in the making as we speak so i also might have another level 38.
Again sorry about the late message.
When i get home ill send your refund please can i have your bitcoin address?
Also your best not to buy the level 38 as pokemon seem have done a huge ban wave this morning it might be the issue why i cannot gain access to the account.