newbie states that I'm a thief. I don't care when you get crazy numbers like 39 or 19M$, you can even call me the richest person of this planet, I don't mind.
But if you call me a thief and state that I lie about devfee rate, show some proofs.
Oops, Sorry. I am in mistake. Your devfee is honest but your hashrate is fake with about 1.5% higher. Everybody can see that by subtracting the pool hash rate from your hashrate doesn't gives 1% (devfee) difference but gives about 2.5% which means that your real hashrate is about 1.5% lower. you were talking about fake devfee rate 1.3%, now it's fine but there is fake hashrate 1.5%, right? Where do you take these numbers? Ok, probably you have own good source of them.
From my experience, I always see a couple of percents fluctuations in hashrate on pool side, and usually it's a bit less than miner shows because miner shows raw hashrate, i.e. it ignores devfee, stale and invalid shares, startup time, dag creation file and other minor things. But pool has to calculate miner's speed from shares only so there is some small error rate there, always. And hashrate that you see on the pool is "final" hashrate, it's always a bit lower., if you don't like hashrate that you see, or don't believe it - just use some other miner that shows better numbers or numbers that you believe. I even saw reports like "I tried miner X and now I see +10% shares on pool", so some people think that they get a lot more than 1.5% after changing miner Smiley You can try this way too and find the best miner for you, no one forces you to use my miner if you don't like it. I assume that you don't use "devfee cut" tools or cracks, in this case miner really may show some fake hashrate, read Readme for details. the network connections and pools. I really have my own great source of data - it's called common sense. Just take all the shares (accepted + incorrect + rejected) from your log and the averaged stated speed (this needs some elementary programming skills - not applicable to 99.5% of the people who will read this) also from your log for a statistically long enough period (a week, a month or more). Use some basic math (I am not gonna give free math lessons here) having in mind the difficulty of the pool and if you have applied the math properly you will easily find that the stated hashrate is about 1.5% higher than the real one. As easy as pie.
You are correct, everybody can examine the logfile and find some better miner if don't like the results.
14 Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / Re: Stashware - Una plataforma de almacenamiento descentralizado permanente y segura New
on: Today at 10:32:42 PM
Started by dlubarov - Post by stashware
Saludos a todos
Esperamos que Diciembre empiece genial y acabe mejor con las Navidades de este 2020, tan complicado.
Queremos seguir estando cerca de vosotros e ir creando una comunidad más grande para ello hemos creado canales en varias redes sociales, incluyendo Discord y Slack. para no duplicar esfuerzos nos centramos en Telegram inicialmente.
Ok, ich merke schon, dass hier ein paar ihre feste Meinung habt und das ist ok. Eine sachliche Diskussion ist mit so einem angefeindeten Level gar nicht möglich. Ich würde echt gerne wissen, wer euch schon alles gescammt habt, dass ihr überall einen Scam vermutet. Ihr müsst echt tief verbittert sein. Manche Menschen haben anscheinend Spaß daran anderen alles schlecht zu reden.
Upland ist und bleibt ein Spiel, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Es ist ein Spiel, in dem man durch das Spielen Geld verdienen kann. werden ja am Ende sehen wer Recht hat. Ich bin mir jedenfalls nicht zu feige zuzugeben wenn ich auf einen Scam hereingefallen sein sollte. Wahrscheinlich sehen wir bereits nächstes Jahr wer sich hier lächerlich gemacht. Hauptsache ihr habt ebenfalls den Anstand es euch einzugestehen, falls ihr falsch gelegen habt. So oder so es bleibt spannend.
Ich wünsche mole0815 noch einen schönen Abend. Er ist der einzige, der in der Lage ist einen anderen Blickwickel einzubeziehen.
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