Could this become a mobile app?
No plans for it right now, but it should be viewable in a mobile browser, so you could bookmark it to your phone's app page. The chart will respond a little clunkily to touch events, but it responds. There were issues previously where it would crash Safari on iOS, but that should be fixed now.
The problem I have right now is with trying to keep the page load time low. Highcharts will break if you place jquery at the end of the page instead of the header to improve load times (well, technically render time).. it'll wait until it has all data until rendering the page otherwise. I imagine this would be a little worse on a mobile browser. I'm looking into some solutions here. I'll definitely test it out, at least on the iOS devices I own.
I know there are some things I can do to make it more mobile friendly, like creating icons at different
resolutions which can be used for bookmarking and adding to an apps page.
Some other things are already done. For example, if you shrink the size of the browser window to certain resolutions, the navigation menu will change to be more easily viewable on a mobile device. The charts should all shrink to fit within a mobile browser window as well.