Looks exciting and kudo's for including litecoin. I'd hope that the terminals can easily be modded to accept any crypto currency, but really what can these do that a APP on a smartphone couldn't?
The price tag I believe was around $2,000 per machine. That's going to be a lot harder to convince small business owners of shelling out for, in comparison to the app's that are free and convienent
because after all everybody owns a smartphone. Merchants and customers included.
Thanks for the kudos
Just to clarify:
- The machine is around $999.
- No transaction fees.
- As we add more alts coins to the web wallet they will appear on the terminal.
- It has a thermal printer and a laser QR code reader.
- Works with any other wallet, as it can pay to address and generate new receiving addresses too.
- World GSM/GPRS + Wifi out of the box.
lots more up to date information here https://coinkite.com/faq/terminal