1. CLB Company information
- Company register : Estonia
- CEO : Mark davis https://www.amazon.com/Mark-Davis/e/B00RMC2V0G/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_5?qid=1527973017&sr=8-5
- CLB Amount : 10 billion coins
- CLB wallet : clbwallet.com
- CLB Mining method : WAVES-NG
- Website : https://www.coinloanbank.com/
2. CLB Road map
- 1st phase : Cryptocurrency Loans for Investors using Convertible Bond
- 2nd phase : Smart contract Coin Loan Business for anyone
- 3rd phase : Blockchain-driven shopping mall
3. CLB Concept
- CLB concept is Convertilbe bond
* what is convertilble bond?
Investors will have option to receive their original investment or CLB coin after a certain period of time (min 1 year term).
4. What makes the Coin Loan Bank unique?
Offering multiple services on multiple levels - that is why we are unique.
For our investors we provide the following options to choose from:
1) Convertible Bond
The Convertible Bond guarantees two options for investors after a contract term of at least 12 months.
a) Invest for 1-3 years. Get your original investment back at the value of the coin at that time,
orreinvest for another term of 1-3 years. If the coin has appreciated in value,
it is the equivalent of earning interest on a traditional bond.
b) If the value of the coin has dropped in the decentralised exchange markets,
get the guaranteed value of your original investment back after the term is completed.
Risk-free and totally at your discretion to choose how to proceed.
2) Cancel your contract anytime
You are able to cancel the contract during the term of the investment.
You can break the contractafter 14 days and access a pro-rata value of the funds invested into the Convertible Bond.
If you cancel the contract under:
◆ 6 months, you get 50% of the contracted investment back
◆ 6- 9 months, you get 70% of the contracted investment back
◆ 9-12 months, you get 90% of the contracted investment back
Of course the ideal situation is to keep your funds till they reach term/maturity of the Convertible Bond Contract.
The decision is entirely up to you. coinloanbank.com
3) Loan services
100% of the capital of CB contract
- The Loan can be paid back anytime.
- The Loan period lasts until the contract date expires (1,2 or 3 years).
- The contract will be active and the investment protected as long as interest is paid.
3 consecutive months defaulting on interest payments will trigger the forfeit of the original investment.
4) CLB Shop ( CLBshop.com / CLBshop.co.kr)
Our CLB Shop is not a shopping mall but social e- commerce targeting B2B and B2C,
where you will be able to use your coins at CLB Shop, available anytime and with only a few wallet limits.
5) Company payback on all paid fees, in CLB Coin
● KYC fee
: $50 fee will have to be purchased at the exchange and send it to your CLBshop wallet.
*Client identification is required to comply with AML/KYC regulations
● Interest
: Borrower will have to purchase CLBcoin worth of 3% interest at the exchange and send it to your CLBshop wallet
● Weboffice monthly fee
: $30 - $100 fee will have to be purchase at the exchange and send it to your CLBshop wallet