Hello, I am trying to decrypt a Coinomi wallet. I found out that it uses bitcoinj library + AES-256-CBC with scrypt key + protobuf. When Protos.Wallet.parseFrom(new FileInputStream(walletFile)) I get the error protobuf - 'Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag'. What can be the problem?
I am new to using bitcoinj, I apologize for any mistakes
I need to get the data in the following form(i get this from btcrecover)
version: 20
seed {
encrypted_data {
initialisation_vector: "data"
encrypted_private_key: "data"
master_key {
encrypted_data {
initialisation_vector: "data"
encrypted_private_key: "data"
public_key: "data"
deterministic_key {
chain_code: "data"
encryption_type: ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES
encryption_parameters {
salt: "data"
n: 16384
r: 8
p: 1
pockets {
network_identifier: "bitcoin.main"
id: "data"
I want to get it with this.
Protos.Wallet.parseFrom(new FileInputStream(walletFile))