
Topic: coinotron (Read 542 times)

Activity: 92
Merit: 10
July 21, 2013, 02:29:35 PM
I  have a problem and coinotron seems to be the culprit, and I don't know how.

One of my miners keeps getting kicked off and comes up 'dead' in the morning, and I have checked it at 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. and between that and 8 a.m. (central) it goes dead.
It runs at 72 deg C, all day long and night, it does NOT over heat, not even close. watching it, constantly, it doesn't pull it's 'thing' of cutting off.
So, next  day ANOTHER miner is supposedly off, and  starts going down, or so the site says. I check my account and 1 miner is not showing up..
This one is a GOOD story........

It cuts off, now that the other one is being watched, and it is 'still' mining, has heat coming from the unit (it is on a 5 inch riser so I can feel the heat out of the bottom)..say it is hashing away at 650k (ftc), yet your site shows it doing nothing.
It is just clocking away saying "accepted", etc, etc. on my screen. Name checks out, password is correct, miner is correct on the screen, right down the line.
so who or what is making THIS happen, have I been mining for nothing all night and day? WTF?

2 days ago, all I got was "rejected" for ntime reasons? WTF? is ntime, and how does MY setup rate THAT error message? Yet, you never made mention of the problem on your site.

It would be nice if you let us know WE are not the problem and YOU are. It is not fair of us to have to guess what is going on, resetting miners, 4-5 times, trying to log on to the site, and can't.

I changed 5 of my miners over to wemineltc and they have not been down since, (2 days now), not even a fart or reject. The same miners that were going down on coinotron. Putting my other miners on wouldn't tell me anything as they haven't experienced any problems, except the reject and ntime errors they were ALL getting.
AND YET, when I checked coinotron, when mioine were showing all rejects or ntime errors, and there were a LOT of miners still going, so who got the preferential treatment and got to keep mining when the rest of us were getting rejected for no reason.? WHO was so powerful they took all of the bandwidth up and kicked the rest of us peons off? and why were they allowed to keep mining when the rest of us weren't?

so you tell me, who has the problem.

I am not going to razz coinotron, as they have made efforts to correct things in the past. Razzing is NOT my point.
However, not letting us know WE are not the problem, is rude and ridiculous. I know I am not the only one having these problems, chances are nill that someone else doesn't, sinece during the ntime errors, there were only 40 miners allowed to mine, apparently. How were they allowed to stay on and the rest of us NOT allowed to mine?

ntime errors and rejects are coinotron's problem, when my miners have been working for over a month (on coinotron), with less than a handful of rejects between all 9 of them.
every time i go off to wemineltc, I almost never get rejects.

please explain this phenomenon.

but then shit, once again, I am a newbie and don't know jack shit, according to Newbies aren't jack shit to this  forum. KMA.............fuck newbie
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