
Topic: CoinPair - Open Source Clone - Instant Anonymous Exchange (Read 3187 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I am installing this on my domain, can anybody help me to check for bug and back doors? Though this is a great tool but has anybody here tried it.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1010
Open sourcing tools like these will only further increase digital currency adoption in general
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
This is indeed a pretty nice tool offer as an open source but can you assist me in editing the code so that it can displays open orders, and trade history just like any other exchange.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1027
you got a very good project there! You say that you already had this busines model before start to use it!?
So, why didn't you were the first to launch?
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
Built this nearly two years ago, summer 2013. Instant anonymous altcoin cryptocurrency exchange, no registration needed.

Never got around to launching it. Coded in NodeJS. The basics work but it is unfinished / incomplete for real production use. Maybe someone can use the code to their benefit or continue working on it. Hope to see more decentralized exchange technologies soon.


Thanks for Githubing the source code. Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 295
Merit: 250
Congratulations! Nice project i'll give it a try.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
Sound Engineer for Hire
Amazing project. Beautiful, and open source. Just the way everyone likes it!
Thanks CoinPair!
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1003
Ron Gross
Glad this is released as open source, thanks coinpair for this code donation.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
Holy shit OP. I actually found when I was trying to find domains for my startup! I saw your first prototype and just thought "wow." Why did you never release it? It was excellent then and its excellent now. God damn it man: you were literally 2 years ahead of the curve but never did anything with it! Now has launched with your exact idea and they're getting all the recognition for it. This same thing has happened to me a lot but usually its competitors with a worse product than mine claiming the same benefits (and somehow getting more attention than me): perhaps even worse than what happened to you.

In the future, you should believe in your ideas more. Perhaps I should have gotten in contact with you when I first saw the website. I would have at least encouraged you ... although I was very busy at the time so I apologize.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Built this nearly two years ago, summer 2013. Instant anonymous altcoin cryptocurrency exchange, no registration needed.

Never got around to launching it. Coded in NodeJS. The basics work but it is unfinished / incomplete for real production use. Maybe someone can use the code to their benefit or continue working on it. Hope to see more decentralized exchange technologies soon.



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