We are hiring a bunch of testers, etc to get things in place, but the talent pool is not suited for large distributed systems, etc, so that is going much much slower than expected. We are very open to spend and will be more than happy to hire from the forums, especially.
All the code is being handled by a couple of people at the moment, which gives us lots and lots of security, but also opens us up for repeats, loops, blocking calls, etc.. mainly because it is extremely complex to implement something like this for over 10000's concurrent users.
Our last implementation took us up by 3X load and that has been compensated already.
We have identified auth to be one of the biggest blockers when loads grow and have reimplemented it completely. Far more secure and faster, the new auth, along with about a 90% rewrite of logic has happened over the past month and we should be rolling it out within a week.
We found an outsourcing partner as well for our Mobile strategy, so expect picture perfect apps, etc to be published in 2 months.
Dr Saxena has joined us full time as well, which is a huge boost to the eco system. He is well known as an early adopter and crypto/ coding expert, using the handle Amitabh on the forums.
The next steps are critical to us, to establish stability, so that we can roll out the ether platform as well, which is ready, but waiting on BTC-INR app stability before rollout.
Do support and help, especially with testers and customer support.
We come up as the best, time and again, because we just wont stop building and maintaining this ecosystem and product. Even if there is a slump somewhere, we will come back with something a lot more robust. This is our purpose as a team..
Thanks for being open and receptive. Appreciate it, will be more than eager to see robustness coming in soon - 50k loss against a promise for better and stronger ecosystem is worth it