we are Tim Ruffing (Saarland University - Germany), Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Aniket Kate (both Purdue University - USA). In April 2014, we presented CoinShuffle, a practical peer-to-peer coin mixing protocol to improve users' anonymity in Bitcoin (
forum thread).
Continuing our research, we now are ready to present
CoinShuffle++, a much more efficient protocol for peer-to-peer coin mixing.
CoinShuffle++ basically offers the same security and privacy properties as CoinShuffle but is significantly faster. Even though the protocol does not rely on external anonymity services such as Tor, users are not required to trust a mixing server for privacy or security. (A server is just used to facilitate communication and broadcasts, e.g., a public IRC server.) As we continue to use
CoinJoin, theft of coins is excluded and the protocol is fully compatible to the current Bitcoin system; not even a soft-fork is necessary. For privacy, noone (not even a user in the protocol) learns which of the new addresses belongs to which of the users. Additionally, malicious users that just want to disrupt the protocol can be detected and excluded.
The key innovation of CoinShuffle++ is the use of a more efficient mechanism for anonymity: CoinShuffle++ uses
Dining Cryptographers Networks (DC-nets) instead of mix-nets. A mix-net requires sequential processing. Thus, the original CoinShuffle needs a number of communication rounds linear in the number of users, even if everybody is honest. CoinShuffle++ instead uses DC-nets and thus allows users to process mixing in parallel. As a result, CoinShuffle++ requires only a constant number of communication rounds independently of the number of users in this case.
We have prototyped CoinShuffle++ in Python and tested it in the same network configuration as we did for CoinShuffle. As a preliminary result, our (very unoptimized and not-ready-to-show) implementation of CoinShuffle++ requires only about 15 seconds for a CoinJoin with 50 users. In comparison, the original CoinShuffle needs about 3 min in a comparable setting. So our protocol provides a huge improvement in terms of running time. And we think CoinShuffle can be made even faster with a nice implementation, which we plan to work on soon.
For all the technical details, see the
preprint of our paper, which actually presents a general mixing primitive that can be used not only for crypto-currencies but also for credit networks such as Ripple. We made a lot of effort to make the protocol "ready for implementation" by providing detailed pseudocode including a lot of details that were not made explicit in the CoinShuffle proposal (e.g., exact code for handling offline participants).
We would be glad to hear your feedback and suggestions on our proposal. Talk to us if you're interested in contributing to the development!