CoinWallets Core is an open source wallet system I will be making using laravel and php. It will support the ability to allow the use of bitcoind, and any coin that uses bitcoind. I am a 19 year old studying IT right now, on my free time, I like to program in php, c++, etc. I've been debating building a web wallet, but given what's happened with mtgox, I have decided to make an open source wallet that can be used as a back end, CoinWallets Core will be the same backend I use for the web wallet I make. The code will be hosted on github. features I plan to include:
- account security system, staff will have to enter a 4 digit support pin to pull up account details
- account lock/unlock, allows an account to be locked by staff that have the ability ex: for a risk management team similar to Namecheap's ability to lock/unlock accounts, which would come in handy if user claims to loose access to their account
- staff department, the ability to add staff to departments and give them access to certain features
- ip logs, the ability to see ip used to log into an account, will be helpful in cases similar to what was described above
- pending transactions, the ability to see the status of pending transactions confirmations/status
If you have any features that would be useful, feel free to comment below.
I also have some other projects that power backend services such as Whoisdoma Core which powers the api system I use on Whoisdoma. On the frontend, I simply use curl to do a curl get request to the api hosted on, the front end is not complete by any means, it's just what I got done today on right now.
Whoisdoma Core: Usage: