First, I do not want to get credit from this one, this is just an english translation from my local board.
Credit to
CatchSomeAirdrops and his original
postPutting a color on your post make it stand out (just don't overdo it please or your post will become an eyesore and not cute).
Below are the colors available in this forum in alphabetical order:
[color=insert color here][/color]
== A == | | | [aliceblue][/aliceblue] | | | [antiquewhite][/antiquewhite] | | | [aqua][/aqua] | | | [aquamarine][/aquamarine] | | | [azure][/azure] | | |
== B == | | | [beige][/beige] | | | [bisque][/bisque] | | | [brown][/brown] | | | [blueviolet][/blueviolet] | | |
== C == | | | [cadetblue][/cadetblue] | | | [chartreuse][/chartreus] | | | [chocolate][/chocolate] | | | [cornsilk][/cornsilk] | | | [crimson][/crimson] | | | [cyan][/cyan] | | |
== D == | | | [darkblue][/darkblue] | | | [darkcyan][/darkcyan] | | | [darkgray][/darkgray | | | [darkgrey][/darkgrey] | | | [darkgreen][/darkgreen] | | | [darkkhaki][/darkkhaki] | | | [darkmagenta][/darkmagenta] | | | [darkorange][/darkorange] | | | [darkorchid][/darkorchid] | | | [darkred][/darkred] | | | [darksalmon][/darksalmon] | | |
== D == | | | [darkseagreen][/darkseagreen] | | | [darkviolet][/darkviolet] | | | [deepskyblue][/deepskyblue] | | | [deeppink][/deeppink] | | | [deepgray][/deepgray] | | | [dodgerblue][/dogerblue] | | |
== F == | | | [firebrick][/firebrick] | | | [floralwhite][/floralwhite] | | | [Forestgreen][/brown] | | | [fuchsia][/fuchsia] | | |
== G == | | | [gainsboro][/gainsboro] | | | [ghostwhite][/brown] | | | [gold][/gold] | | | [goldenrod][/goldenrod] | | | [gray][/gray] | | | [grey][/grey] | | |
== H == | | | [honeydew][/honeydew] | | | [hotpink][/hotpink] | | |
== I == | | | [indeanred][/indeanred] | | | [indigo][/indigo] | | | [ivory][/ivory] | | |
== K == | | | [khaki][/khaki] | | |
== L == | | | [lavender][/lavender] | | | [lawngreen][/lawngreen] | | | [lemonchiffon][/lemonchiffon] | | | [lightblue][/lightblue] | | | [lightcyan][/lightcyan] | | | [lightgray][/lightgrey] | | | [lightgrey][/lightgrey] | | | [lightgreen][/lightgreen] | | |
== L == | | | [lightpink][/lightpink] | | | [lightsalmon][/lightsalmon] | | | [limegreen][/limegreen] | | | [lightyellow][/lightyellow] | | | [lime][/lime] | | | [linen][/linen] | | |
== M == | | | [magenta][/magenta] | | | [maroon][/maroon] | | | [mediumblue][/medium] | | | [mediumorchid][/mediumorchid] | | | [mediumpurple][/mediumpurple] | | | [mediumseagreen][/mediumseagreen] | | | [mintcream][/mintcream] | | | [mistyrose][/mistyrose] | | | [moccasin][/moccasin] | | |
== N == | | | [navajowhite][/navajowhite] | | | [navy][/navy] | | |
== O == | | | [oldlace][/oldlace] | | | [olive][/olive] | | | [olivedrab][/olivedrab] | | | [Orange][/Orange] | | | [orangered][/orangered] | | | [orchid][/orchid] | | |
== P == | | | [palegreen][/plaegreen] | | | [peachpuff][/peachpuff] | | | [papayawhip][/papayawhip] | | | [peru][/peru] | | | [pink][/pink] | | | [powderblue][/powderblue] | | | [purple][/purple] | | |
== R == | | | [rosybrown][/rosybrown] | | | [royalblue][/royalblue] | | |
== S == | | | [salmon][/salmon] | | | [sandybrown][/sandybrown] | | | [seagreen][/seagreen] | | | [seashell][/seashell] | | | [sienna][/sienna] | | | [silver][/silver] | | | [skyblue][/skyblue] | | |
== S == | | | [slategrey][/slategrey] | | | [snow][/snow] | | | [springgreen][/springgreen] | | | [steelblue][/steelblue] | | |
== T == | | | [tan][/tan] | | | [teal][/teal] | | | [thistle][/thistle] | | | [tomato][/tomato] | | | [turquoise][/turquoise] | | |
== V == | | | [violet][/violet] | | |
== W == | | | [wheat][/wheat] | | | [whitesmoke][/whitesmoke] | | |
== Y == | | | [yellow][/yellow] | | | [yellowgreen][/yellowgreen] | | |
If you have a specific color in mind then try using hex coding (see this:
[color=insert hex #][/color]
P.S. If you are generous in giving a merit ( I am just assuming so please do not take it as offensive), kindly merit the original propagator of this idea (
CatchSomeAirdrops). I just don't want to take any credit from this