Good morning forum ,;)
Only one topic on the most watched Congressional testimony in history. With only 5 responses. How very peculiar
Let's begin.
This is pretty sobering stuff. If Comeys allegations are true, there is a distant case for obstruction, which to me is a lower bar than impeachment and more feasible.
Some takeaways:
1) Trump is fucked, Comey planned this:
The fact that Comey literally stepped outside the meeting and started making a memo should indicate this may have been a contingency plan, that is, he came into interaction with Trump anticipating some bullshit. To me, it seems like his memo was trying to suggest obstruction, but he never came flat out and said it. That he has so prepared himself for this up to this point, I feel he may have left additional insurance in the firm of something else. He doesn't seem like a single contingency guy, he seems like a Plan Z type of dude.
2) Sessions and Pence most likely knew about Flynn.
Yates knew, Yates told, Yates got fired. Doesn't look good. And if Sessions had a third, undisclosed meeting with Russia, he is also fucked, he perjured himself. Notice Trump surrogates seem to be the whipping boys/albatross in all this so far. You can't sugar coat this; if they can prove it, Pence will be caught in a serious lie, and Sessions will have to recuse himself from his job, LOL. A standing AG commiting perjury, imagine that.
3) The reluctance of the other testifiers to say if Trump had tried the same tactic with them is interesting.
They clammed up and did the 'closed chamber discussion' wink. Also interesting that everyone had to leave the room. It will actually look better if Trump does this often; just doing it to Comey will look suspicious.
4) Comey most likely isn't lying.
Despite Trump's condemation, Comey has little reason to have fabricated this. He had the piece of mind to start the memos before he got fired. Which was unknown priori, so it would be hard to attribute this to revenge. Essentially, all the testimony we heard were based of of this interactions before he got canned, this happened before he would have a motivation to harm Trump.
5) There are no tapes, and if there are tapes, they won't help Trump.
6) Trump is dead and gone if he testifies under oath.
If you value your leader, do not allow him to take the stand in his own defence. Y'all should probably smash his phone as well
7) 'Comey is a leaker' rhetoric isn't legally defensible.
See popular legal opinion, I had to digest soooo much bi partisan op Ed to research this. I think it will be a hard case, and I don't think the Justice Dept is going to antagonize Comey like this. Also, lots of actually legal reasons like the fact he was fired made the memos personal
The Ex FBI chief is just trying to pay Trump back for firing him and these Liberals will jump at any chance to crucify Trump, I think he should release the tapes of the conversation he had with Trump so that we put all of this to rest. But the Democrats should remember that this is the same person who's last minute decision to bring up the email server issue may have cost Hilary the presidency if not for her constant lies.
I disagree. He didn't know he was going to get fired, but he did all that notation and redundant storage for no reason? He didn't make this up after the fact we know that for certain. He even leaked his own documents. Essentially, he told enough people ahead of time about his suspicions that he covered his ass ahead of time.
As for Hillary, I'm actually glad she lost at this point. If she had won, I see she wouldn't have been able to do shit anyway. Better the GOP eats every bit of this, and right before 2018. Let it happen.
Comey said that "someone" said he was a poor leader, and the FBI was in disarray. Comey thinks that part was a lie.
Comey is an idiot
I missed this. I though he specifically did not agree the FBI was in disarray.
Comey should be thanking Trump for saving his life. Had Hillary been elected as the president of the United States in 2016, then James Comey would have been just another entry in the long list, now called the "Clinton body count".
Don't disagree with that at all, if you mean job and not his actual vitality. Because as bad as as y'all think the Clintons are, with their supernatural power gleaned from drinking the blood of children, Comey is a lot more connected due to his job as
Director of the FBI. You can't vanish a person like this. He was a G Man.
What's so surprising? Any of us don't place Trump would have done exactly the same. This can be attributed to the instinct of self-preservation. In other countries on such details nobody would pay attention. I do not condone Trump, but I for objectivity.
What's so surprising about the President possibly obstructing Justice? And Naw, we wouldnt have, at least not like that. You gotta be quicker than point blank asking for something illegal after you ask to be in the room alone with a cop,
the cop . So no, I don't think most politicians that had experience would have tried this, and if this seemed normative to you, please refrain from holding a public office
you would be part of that 'swamp' thing