
Topic: Coming changes of cells minds and structures particles next countries (Read 30 times)

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Countries wich Will do allright not best but relativily good.
I have measured the cells structures and everything to see how smallest particles want hold together so in every level the changes not so rapid over the next months to next countries:
UK Will be good, Norway , ukraine off the half ukraine since war will be finish soon and russia get his side and ukraine can keep another side.
So by measuring the particles Scientific ways and using the esoteric hermetic full knowledge we get good countries to be over the next months. ( Less pressure of particles on every level separations and less needs of changes ) so in Europe only the best are france,russia,italy,and Norway, lithuania and ukraine after the war is over.

USA will be good to but illionoise and east coast area will be good Boston area also.
However the particles dont hold well together oklahoma Kansas area and florida and Texas.
Generally Speaking large part of USA is well now the canada nothing good there a lot changes coming to re structure to change all the ways extreme particles separation of original structures will be happening in canada
( Quebec area Will be better less impacted of changes)

So you can see and predict things like wars ecinomic problems civil unrests by measuring the particles and small cells of everything you know the changes coming when you see that particles don't hold up together well.
Generally Speaking 2025 is year with most changes in history the particles don't hold together in many places and areas so it means countries wich i did not mention much well there Will be a lot particles separations and structures changes from one form to another.  

Middle East and Dubai area holding up particles quite good.
Israel don't hold well so there will be a lot changes same like germany.  
If particles don't hold well together and structures it means anything about destruction and chaos so it's natural process.
China is good it holds well the particles it shows If we consider how large is land and place and population.
There will be some very small countries wich have very small population and land so some of those countries will go through big not pleasent changes i'll not mention those countries better but it will be horrible a lot people will die and a lot changes ( becouse what is the death? The death is particles don't hold up together and separete to go change the form or Changing into something else)
So we call it Death but in universe Energy don't die it just changes.

So once again not so much changes and particles hold well together are UK france Norway in Europe and italy.
Places where particles don't want to change much are less natural disasters aswell.

2025 Will be year of when a lot particles will stop holding up together so it's perfect time for changes and off course a lot people will die and alot illness will be happening.
So everything could be calculated their particles will to be together.
Also people will Travel a lot specially between next countries and from those countries to other countries:
Canada Finland ireland greece spain estonia germany ireland japan so those will be very volatile countries with in and out but likely more out then in.

In the middle Europe countries with well holding particles together poland france italy.
Also the moldavia holding well particles so not much changes there as everybody expecting also we could see some economic growth in moldavia.
However some bigger changes start in belarus since particles measurement show's it doesn't hold up well particles or it will brake so half country will be on side the particles hold up well together and another half not.

So the 2025 is one big particles changes year cells atoms every structures on all the level Changing so much and fast it's a chaos but chaos is the natural order before order
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