I hear that, it taps into a primal part of people that doesn't really want to offer solutions or make anything better, but is just looking for a fight. But it doesn't want that all out chaos, it wants to retain some safety as an individual in the thick of it, so camouflages itself with political ideology & jargon.
You know what I would like to see, I would like to see a website or bunch of services with a universal automatic translation feature where users could set a fluency & input typos would be strictly flagged for editing etc.. So like social media for the whole earth to use at the same time. It could be quietly revolutionary. I am sure it is technologically feasible & could be a huge commercial success but might also meet initial resistance based on legal or political concerns, which again could really be just some kind of ancient paranoid prejudice.
It might help with one peculiar problem that all who dream of a more inclusive & better integrated global society still face: the language barrier.
Lack of understanding of ideas could be part of the problem. Rigid people may mean no harm but are just being careful of what can cause them problems... They could try to resist what they do not understand as a defensive mechanism.
It's important to allow people find faults or issues with something you are offering them as solutions to their problems. Good solutions will be faultless or without issues and No good person will reject good/faultless solutions. if someone rejects good solution or calls it evil & the evil good, then you consider him/her as corrupt mind who should be avoided to prevent a situation where evil spreads and corrupt a healthy population. People will likely surrender if they find no fault in an idea. If after finding no fault in the solution you are offering them and it's still rejected then you and others know who the problem is.
In regards to the language barrier, I believe that is beneficial when the whole is becoming evil as it can slow the evil down & prevent the whole from getting quickly corrupted and destroy itself. So, preventing easy communication can be one of the ways to slow down the full corruption of the whole.
What so you think that the world goes through stages of being good & evil? Sounds a bit superstitious to me Ucy. What if the idea of evil was only invented to give evil people an excuse for imposing themselves on those they had singled out as evil? What if they are scapegoating, creating fall-guys, abusing & undermining the force of law & order & carrying out unjust persecution against people they secretly hate on a prejudicial partisan basis so seek to stigmatise?
For my part I would argue that the false dichotomy of communism vs capitalism is evil, because (not without irony) of the falsification of the dualism. They are interdependent aspects of one complex whole & to convince the uninitiated that their apparent differences are down to separateness & conflict goes against the constructive scheme of things. I think most people think & act as individuals to transcend the irrational apathetic parts of themselves to try & keep up with the organic world around them. Not the decisions of other people, but the motions of the solar system & phenomena in the universe etc..
There is nothing superstitious about the belief in the existence of evil (or bad). It's existence is a fact which is recognized by most people & can be seen in nature as a force that create problems and lowers the quality of existence. You remind me of my former life as an atheist trying to rationalize evil to make meaning out of things that are difficult to understand. I later realized my mistakes and things have been wonderful for me ever since.
There is a CREATOR whose purpose is to bring things into existence and keep them free of errors. The purpose in summary is to keep things very good and to destroy evil
All sounds a wee bit jewish to me Ucy
The difficulty with wanting to serve good & destroy evil is of course that you are probably going to be required to hurt & oppress others that you perceive to act on the behalf of this superstitious force. At which point their innocent loved ones may understandably declare you to be evil, & the vicious cycle continues
For the record I would only ever identify religiously as a Taoist, as to me that is the only form of religion which always bears in mind the ungraspable nature of the infinite.
What exactly is Jewish, childish and half baked? The belief in evil or the existence of a CREATOR?
I hope you stick to the topic.
Well Ucy both of those things seem like that to me. And the topic is not good vs evil, as I said I consider that stupid. I don't care about fairy stories & horror movies, I care about history lessons & relentless false narratives & the dualistic deception of communism vs capitalism as destroying the authentic socio-political tendencies of real human beings. It doesn't have to become an oversimplified theological debate. It is a serious issue.
The belief in evil & the existence of an almighty creator who created everything presumably including evil but who now wants to destroy evil is wrong headed to me. It is the kind of bullshit that kept medieval peasants in the dark & now neoconservative reactionary forces are trying to put the masses on the same footing using another, similar dualism. Breed communists to think of themselves as good and their capitalist enemies as evil & vice versa. It is almost so simple a formula as to be demeaning & commonly overlooked. But it occupies the educational space, it is doctrine, it pervades the daily life of dominant culture through the media & so while I respect your stance in terms of basically staying out of it & sticking to what works for you personally, eventually it will interfere with your life too.
Alright. You are already sounding defeated with unnecessary emotions and vulgar. If I continue with you that will make me come down to this low level and make me feel inferior
I didn't mean to make anyone feel inferior. I just want you to understand that the forces you & the community are experiencing lately have less to do with 'good & evil' & more to do with historical process & the psychological strain of superimposing upon money the value of material necessities as part of a long-term development project. These are historical & political forces roused in the cypher of Bitcoin. There is no metaphysical duality at play. Religion is a ponzi scheme