Community development is the key point of tokensale. Potential investors do pay significant attention to this point and make their final decision after having a decent impression of anoverall community and its activity.
Our company is ready to engage in the community creation & development for your project and all the related tasks, which includes: the creation of the community base in social networks, promotion on major thematic resources, attracting the investor's attention on Bitcointalk, and project development on Asian markets.
• Corporate social networks maintenance, work with Q&A, comments and users base. Creation and everyday update of the content plan (1-2 posts per day);
• Work with users’ questions and comments, investor tracking within the CRM-system, work with the investor using the sales model before actual investments take place;
• Threads promotion (overall everyday social networks activity include 30-40 posts from accounts in different topics and threads - QUORA, Reddit+Slack+Facebook);
• Bitcointalk.org announcements, regular comments posting. The project information placement includes more than 30 different crypto forums;
• Project development within the Asian communities (QQ, Kakaotalk, Weibo, Qzone, Tudou, etc.) on Japanese and Korean;
• Subscribers attraction through Airdrop and Giveaway models;