We have a Community Currency now.
Based on physical coupons with a discount associated.
Was wondering if I could set up a Cryptocurrency as support/Backup/Validation
1. If the internet /power goes out I want people to be able to continue using the coupons as money.
2. If the Coupons are ever destroyed or stolen the Blockchain could be the evidence that allows for replacement of coupons.
Validate coupons against the physical currency
3. Destroyed or Stolen coupons would then be designated as such on the Blockchain or whatever, and be flagged as invalid.
4. Good coupons would be tagged as valid, so you could check the status of a coupon at anytime.
5. When there is a donation coupons are issued equal to it.
Now using
https://www.codereadr.com/ to do this but has limited functionality and not under our control.
?Any companies or folks out there who assist with setting up our own blockchain ?
and/or ?If we go with a carrier of Tokens i.e. Expanse, Ethereum, Lisk, Counterparty, Wave, NEM, NXT .... the list goes on.... Which would be the best, with the least cost to our membership?