Thought i'd take a little time before replying and thinking.
File sizes will be a huge issue here.
Are we expecting people to store the aux chains on their hard drives? Wow that could be a tough problem to solve.
Say there are movies that have been uploaded into the chain.
Curious how the aux chains work if the file sizes of an aux chain > MAX amount?
Possibly, the idea is, not everybody has a copy of all the files. I guess reward for serving files/chains, and, retaining less-commonly downloaded files equally, but aslong as the host has the full main chain, they can select how many smaller chains to retain also.
Instead of using aux chains you could use a DHT (Distributed Hash Table).
Possibly, but need to think of a way to verify that host x has a full copy of file y, also, the idea of an aux chain may allow the client to download from n hosts, splitting their fee between all n. Still valid idea
Thinking crazy here:
Is it possible to use the IP packets for "mining"? The more the aux chain is downloaded (generating IP packets), the more "mining" occur on that aux chain, generating FileCoin for that file provider.
Not really, as IP is too low to verify who sent what, just modifying the header would blow things up.
Obviously the backbone connection and hosting companies can offer bandwidth and storage cheaper than those who they sell it to, but I guess if some of their customers are paying for more than they use they could get some of it back by selling even if they sell "at a loss" since its a loss they otherwise have to eat the whole of anyway.
I agree, but, the same way the hardware companies could make custom asics.
Anyway, im starting drafting a white paper for this - really would like some input around what to hash/authenticate/key procs s.t. can validate host retains n copies, and only client with key can download file.