However, this isn't the real security of a bitcoin address. A bitcoin address is an encoding of a 160-bit number (plus some extra things), which is calculated by hashing a 256-bit one. Therefore, a collision would only require about 2159 searches. But, to be even more pedantic, you don't have to find a RIPEMD-160 collision to steal bitcoins you don't own (without threatening anyone!). The early bitcoin blocks have been paid in public key, meaning that if can you can solve the discrete logarithm problem, you could find those public keys' private keys.
Given that the known algorithms that can solve ECDLP (BSGS, Pollard's rho etc.) require O(sqrt(n)) steps where n the order of G in secp256k1 (n~=2^256), the security of a public key is about 128 bits.
So, instead, give him this public key:
Whose owner possesses :
It's 2^128 times easier and the prize is over a million times greater than 0.1 BTC. (If we assume it's a prize )