Hi guys i need to compile pooler's cpuminer for mining scome scrypt coins with the CPU.
I've almost managed to build it successfully except a linker error: it does not find references to the routines scrypto_core, sha256_use4way and the other ones defined in the assembly files scrypt-x64.S, scrypt-x86.S, etc.
I've already compiled successfully those assemblies with gac and i have the .o files: scrypt-x86.o and sha2-x86.o
I've told the linker to include those .o files as libraries for the linkage, but to no avail.
I've opened the scrypt-x86.o with Notepad++ to find the string "scrypt_core" and it is there, so i guess there *is* the definition of scrypt_core the linker does not see.
The only modification i've made to both scrypt-x86.S and sha2-x86.S is: i've added the line
at the top of the scripts, to tell the assembler to build 32-bit code (otherwise it would raise errors for pushl and popl instructions).
Can be that the problem?