Hi all,
Sorry for my English if it's not good for understanding

I am ordinary user if Bitcoin. I am concerned about the increasing size of blockchain. Now in the Bitcoin not so much amount of tansactions but if the Bitcoin will be bery popular the Bitcoin blockchain will be unreal biggest for ordinary users and for using.
I want to suggest an approximate solution fot decrease blockchain of Bitcoin.
As i think now the blockchain to be need for checking all not spent outputs of transactions. Some not spent outputs deeply submerged under blocks. Some transactions with unspent outputs can be in the block number 123, other in the block number 128523 and so on. By this reason a client software needs scan and check all blockchain from up to down for balances of client's addresses and so on. I want to suggest simply solution. Details are skipped. This is a very rough description, sorry for it

I think the blockchain can have a special block to be mined and to be checked by miners (difficulty can be more strong and to be based from current difficulty). This block can be mined through 2016 blocks for example (every two weeks) as the difficulty to be changed. This will be special block without current live transactions. It will have only transactions with unspent outputs. For example i will call this block "the compressed block". This block should have only unspent outputs of transactions to be happened from previously "the compressed block". Because now the blockchain doesn't have same blocks first block should have all last unspent transactions from genesis block for example. Same special blocks should be checked by miners (miners will have whole blockchain in first time) and to be mined by same algorithms as normal blocks with transactions. I don't know how to use there coinbase. May be the reward for this block same as normal and reward will be devided to two after 210,000 blocks but these blocks take into account in total mined blocks.
When same "compressed blocks" will be there client software can download blockchain from up plain blocks down to first compressed blocks then it can load only old compressed blocks. I think now that this information about unspent transactions could be enough for the normal functioning of the network. But these blocks will resolve main future problem of biggest size of blockchain in future. All made transactions will be eliminated from memory of clients and client's blockains.
What do you think about this?