lets take an example from http://wiki.betcoin.tm/List_of_address_prefixes
1) wif=cNJFgo1driFnPcBdBX8BrJrpxchBWXwXCvNH5SoSkdcF6JXXwHMm
2) decode base58
"04 1f 43 dd f4 a3 a4 d0 4a db 10 78 29 3d fa 68 "
"4f 6c 63 e7 74 cd 6a 15 0b 7d 5a 42 e3 14 b3 b9 "
"b0 08 da 65 22 bc "
3) so "da 65 22 bc " - is a checksum , 04 - seems to be prefix
but the rest is 33 bytes instead of 32... hmmm
4) sha256 (sha256 ( these-bytes-without-checksum ) ) =
"ee 99 5b 68 34 ec 0e 82 5f 5a 4e 32 1f c2 53 e3 "
"12 cd e9 4d ac 74 43 9b eb 0f d7 26 10 a3 ff 16 "
checksum error
please help
PS. the same bad results with exported from official client
PPS. does the client always generate compressed wif-format for testnet? what about mainnet? I use 0.8.5