This explains why communism and socialism do not work in countries, but the strongest and most sustainable economic model is capitalism, we humans like to simplify things and make it convenient for others to blame, however, is that everyone has to learn the rules of the game and take into account that money corrupts energy and that all resources are not infinite, but come from somewhere at the expense of something or someone, so it's the one who does more the more you study and the more you work hard, the more you get, that's why there are and will be elites, rich and poor, because if somewhere there is luxury and wealth, it must come at the expense of something else, energy is one in the universe and we all share it with each other, some get more, some less, it depends on who is active is and more acts.
It's like you want to keep profits going on you need to destroy nature
If we are smart we learn how to balance all the good and bad but it takes time over the history we have find the ways how to run world better ways more profits and more human rights, technology is key here so it's crucial to use ai bots and machines.- but still with all that machines and bots working doing many jobs still the energy not infinity and you have to choose, so you can't have all you got to choose or If you have power you choose for others.
So If you want big mansion it means someone need to be without proper food, yes it sounds cruel but it is how it is and when we speak about equality and fairness then life can't be fair because there is competation and energy is not infinity for everybody. And we can't eliminate greed and capitalism it will be killing the motivation for why anyone want to do anything.