a miner has 1 asic . he also has a transaction of 0.000001 BTC in progress which is unconfirmed . he set the miners fee to 0 .
is there any way for this miner to put 1 confirmation on his transaction with his miner ?
waiting for sugestions.
That depends on how much hash power he has.
Right now the fastest ASIC I know about is the HashCoins Uranus which will reportedly provide 6 terahash per second when it is available.
If you could get your hands on one of the prototypes and mine with it at today's difficulty (40,640,955,016.58), then you will successfully mine a block on average every 337 days. Of course since the difficulty is adjusted approximately every two weeks, it's likely to change before you successfully solve a block. If difficulty continues to increase quickly, it becomes quite likely that you'll never solve a block, and therefore will be unable to confirm the transaction yourself. All you can do then, is hope to be VERY VERY lucky, and successfully mine a block in spite of the large odds against you.
You may not be paying a fee to miners, but you will need to pay for all that electricity. The Uranus reportedly draws 1600 watts of electricity. If you run it continuously for a year that's about 14,000 kWh. If you pay $0.11 per kWh (perhaps you have cheaper electricity?) that would be a total operation cost of $1540 in hopes of getting lucky and mining the transaction yourself. Perhaps it would be cheaper to just pay the mining fee?