These three accounts are subscribed to a
Twitter company run by manager @yahoo62278. At the request of the manager, participation of multi-accounts is not allowed.
Anyone trying to join with 2 accounts(1btctalk acct multiple twitter accts, or 1 twitter acct multiple btctalk accts) will be banned with no pay
The owner of three accounts, a very absent-minded person. His reports show how often he mixes up his alternate accounts.
breaking the company's bounty rules3 Accounts Connected:1.
Saddam Bin Delowar2.
Ruma 3.
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Bitcointalk Username: Ruma
Telegram Username : @Ruma303
Campaign : Twiter
Spreadsheet # : 206
Ethereum Wallet Address : 0xa12a839f76eFe1eBfC05132387D5F37606B1463b
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The cheater logged in with the wrong account. BCT Name: Saddam Bin Delowar
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Here I mixed up the bounty reports Related Addresses:
Miscellaneous::3 accounts are breaking the company's bounty rulesZacFinance twitter campaign
Campaign : Facebook
Bitcointalk Username: Ruma
Facebook Account: samia samu
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Also, one account violates ban evasion.Ban evasion.NABILA AKTER SHILA Autoban userNadiya Akther[
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Hello sir,
Your proof is right but I don't know Ruma & Saddam Bin Delowar. I only follow ruma & Saddam Bin Delowar and everyday I check ruma btt id bcz, if Ruma added any campaign than I copy this message & apply this same campaign. But it is my wrong work, I applying directly copy from ruma post and it is the proof for you.
But sir, SumaiyaSamu id in my own bitcointalk id. I apply this wrong post from same Ruma post. I don't to this copy post from Ruma and Saddam Bin Delowar in future.
Please sir, give me a chance because SumaiyaSamu are not multiple account.
This is my all proof of account:-
btt user name: SumaiyaSamu
btt url: username: @SumaiyaSamubd
twitter url: url: username: @SumaiyaSamubd
eth address: 0xb04fdee38a5ad8295529d8f5b511df85ee2dac6e
Sorry for this post.