Lee introduced House Concurrent Resolution 29, warning that women will be forced into “transactional sex” to get enough food and clean water — all because global warming will create “conflict and instability” in the world.
“Women will disproportionately face harmful impacts from climate change,” Lee’s resolution reads. It continues claiming, “Food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health.”
Lee’s document goes on to urge Congress to agree on the “disparate impacts of climate change on women,” and goes on to demand that Congress use “gender-sensitive frameworks in developing policies to address climate change.”
Lee also charges that women, who are “often underrepresented in the development and formulation of policy regarding adaptation to climate change,” are doubtless in the best position to offer policy ideas.
I am certain the debt bubble and economic collapse will create even more desperate housewives.
A few people will be happy about it...
If it is true that Climate Change is a 1.5 Trillion Dollar Industry, then just think of how many jobs would be lost if that industry collapsed, due to no global warming in twenty years. And if all those jobs were lost, how many wives and single women would be out of work, and have to prostitute themselves to put food on the table for their hungry families and pet dogs and goldfish?