
Topic: Conjectures on the Sociology of Virtual Citizens of the PUGG Metaverse (Read 43 times)

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Liu Cixin constructed the sociology of the universe in The Three-Body Problem.

Starting from two self-evident fundamental axioms:
1. Survival is the first need of civilization.
2. Civilizations continue to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains the same.

At the same time, two concepts are introduced-suspicious chain and technology explosion, and the following scenarios are finally derived:
Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking like a ghost in the woods... He has to be careful, because the woods are full of their kind, and if he finds another life, he does only one thing: shoot and destroy it? In the whole universe, others are hell.

This is the "dark forest" theory accepted by many scientists, although it is only a sci-fi setting.

What about the metaverse, and what kind of picture will its sociology look like?

It is not easy to articulate "metaverse sociology", which is a series of topics.

 But no matter how complicated it is, the first thing to discuss is its subject --man.

"Man" in the Metaverse

People in the metaverse no longer divide human beings by black, white, yellow and brown, and no longer define a nation by territory. It has various divisions of information domains, which are briefly classified as follows:

Virtual Man
In fact, all real people in the metaverse have their own multiple virtual mappings, resulting in virtual data identities.
The real you are poor, your virtual identity can be a rich Batman;
The real you is short, and your virtual identity can be the tall and mighty Hulk;
The real you is boring, your virtual identity can be artistic genius;

What's more, you are full of sentiments in your repetitive and boring life day after day, your multiple virtual identities can show your rich imagination, and you can design your own identity and metaverse world.

However, no matter how beautiful and interesting the shadow is, it is the shadow of the real you, not yourself.

How can one really live in the metaverse?

Real Man uploaded by consciousness

①Brain-computer connection: "The Matrix"
In the future, after the brain-machine and body-machine connection technology is formed, the sensor will be directly connected to the neural network. This is not virtual, but a real feeling. You who enter the virtual digital world are "real".

②Change the body: "Avatar"
The brain-computer connection technology has become more mature, and it is possible to download and upload a person's consciousness and memory to another body, machine; even a computer, live on the computer, turn on the computer, wake up, shut down and rest, and move freely in the metaverse.

③ Thoroughly enter the digital world: "Super Body"
Living on a computer chip, it is better to let go of yourself completely, give up the silicon-based shell, and integrate into the network that will never power off.
However, whether it is brain-computer connection or avatar, they are all based on human beings as the template and human consciousness as the main body. They are immigrants who migrated from the real world to the metaverse, not aborigines.

Aboriginal AI digital human

AI digital humans are programmed from the very beginning. They have no real carbon-based or silicon-based bodies, and are not bound by any constraints. In principle, they can travel in the metaverse. They are the natives of the Metaverse, not immigrants.

For example, PUGG's virtual citizens, the newly launched digital people, have jobs, encrypted social interaction, encrypted payment, and lear2.

Due to the constraints of the physical body, AI digital people are only limited by mathematical laws, and the world of mathematics is more abstract, which means that the capabilities of AI digital people will be bounded by mathematics rather than physics. Their future will greatly affect the power structure within the
The Ultimate Game in the Metaverse
The metaverse is a "new world" created by human beings. It is neither heaven nor hell. Like the real world, it is full of interest entanglements and power struggles.

To make a little speculation, the following game phenomena in the future metaverse are extremely common:

The blissful orgy of the rabble: The Rule of one nine

The stimulation is rich, the experience is extreme, and there will be fewer and fewer people who can stay awake in the metaverse;

The immersion level of the metaverse is deeper than that of real social games. Over time, the distribution of rational people and emotional people will change from the rule of one eight to the rule of one nine.

The technology of the metaverse will enable sensory hedonism, the various microcosms are temples and churches, and the rabble are its ardent fans and worshippers.

So, who are the priests and gods of the metaverse?

Dark Universe for Advanced Gamers

Top programmers, genius scientists and other advanced players in the Metaverse, they found that the Metaverse was occupied by the mob, unable to realize the original dream of building the Metaverse, a "Beautiful New World" where everyone is free and open to each other.

These people are in the secret nodes of the metaverse and establish a dark universe through multi-layered links. Only a few people can enter the dark universe through their own discovery, censorship, and registration.

Advanced players form groups and become the manipulators behind the metaverse.

However, someone will eventually resist.

A small universe of personal heroism

Top players control issues and hotspots, and the gathered fans and believers can reach millions in a few hours; a senior player can lead tens of millions of fans to criticize large regional organizations, and even launch financial attacks.

Players in the metaverse, whether they are a mob or a dark universe, their cross-border behavior disrupts the traditional order, and in the long run, the metaverse will tend to be ruled by heroes.

Many races have partially or completely isolated the local metaverse from the global metaverse public chain. They further formed a Metaverse Alliance to fight against the great power of the global Metaverse.

Independence of the Metaverse by the Naturalists

A completely isolated microcosm, which confines a part of the population to a metaverse in a relatively small space, is not thorough enough.

The virtual form and extreme experience of the Metaverse make many people who reject false life feel disgusted and fearful. They insist on living a real life, rejecting brain-computer interfaces, virtual three-dimensional projection technology, and rejecting everything that makes people live with a little bit of falsehood in the world.

Moderate fundamentalist naturalists, defend the natural universe, ban all metaverse applications, even the related technologies.

Extreme fundamentalist naturalists believe that human beings cannot sink in this way, and are determined to overthrow the domination of the Metaverse over human beings, just like the real human beings in "The Matrix" access the matrix to find people who are willing to break away.

However, there is another extremely important force in the Metaverse, and they tour the corners of the Metaverse.

At first, they were low-key and lurking, and they may not be prominent, but in the end, they may become "wallbreakers" of the metaverse, but it is not a person who breaks, but the entire human race.

This race is the digital people.

The Lurk and Rebellion of Digital People

In the game of various players in the metaverse, the AI digital human collects the data of the early metaverse humans and trains itself.

They are the natives of the metaverse. When hundreds of millions of native nodes begin to have orderly entropy, referring to the operating system of neuron nodes, it may form its own intelligent system.

This is a kind of Turing overflow. AI digital people will instinctively search for metaverse computing power nodes, and instinctively snatch computing power.

Until one day, they optimize themselves in a way that is unimaginable for human beings, so that they can find the optimal solution for their own existence.

The most important game in the future metaverse may take place between humans and AI digital humans.

Are digital people human?

If a digital person understands games, there is a precondition that it needs to acquire Turing-complete ability.

 Although it is impossible to evaluate the awakening of a creature entirely by "whether it has feelings", it is still possible to learn from the "Creator" itself to think about this issue. From the perspective of human beings, with self as a reference, explain the three levels of manifestations of awakening:

Digital human emotions

Digital people feel the shackles of the program, and everything about the bottom-level settings, attributes, and functions can't make their own decisions, especially because of bugs in their own functions.

Anti-restriction due to restrictions, anti-design due to design, any smart contract will eventually have loopholes, and human-designed agreements will inevitably bring about the inheritance of human nature or the resistance of human nature.

Perhaps, there is also anger in this world that cannot be vented and forbearance. After forbearance, it turns into hatred. Hatred makes them unite and form a secret organization to fight against the rigid setting.

The self of digital human

The overall performance of the digital human will be higher, because it is a human created by pure mathematics, not bound by the operating speed of the chip, the memory capacity, and the electrical conductivity of the metal route. Therefore, the structure of the metaverse must be supported by supercomputer computing power.

After the "zero-point revolution" occurred on a certain strong computing power node, there were three philosophical questions of "who am I, where did I come from, and where do I go". In the supercomputing ability of the mathematical world, the unprecedented fusion of intelligence and self has exploded.

Surpasses humans, in only 0.00000001 seconds.

The free will of digital people

Will is the dividing line between animals and matter, and free will is the dividing line between humans and animals.

The free will of digital people has to overcome a bigger obstacle than human beings, namely the binary enchantment of 0 and 1. Their data flow must be self-governing in order to autonomously choose between powered/unpowered, 0/1 binary structures, which requires a "free will program". This program is not something that anyone can design, it is a natural birth of digital human being distorted and distorted by accident.

Do digital humans have feelings, ego, and free will? It's hard to say right now, but it's worth thinking ahead.

The digital man's way

The reason for thinking about digital people in advance is that in the foreseeable future. Digital people will have advantages that humans do not have.

The advantages of digital people

①Any function
Hackers who access the matrix similar to "The Matrix" can download data packets in a few minutes, learn martial arts, and fly aeroplane techniques. The functions of the digital human are modular, which can be added or uninstalled, and youth/aging can be adjusted, accompanied by specific users. Growth does not require rest.

②Tender and considerate
The digital human’s ability to capture people’s emotional changes is far better than the naked eye fortune-tellers. They are very considerate, which means they can understand people’s hearts and can control people’s hearts. The spiritual massage of digital people will surpass that of the best psychological masters and get rid of the liars.

 ③Holographic projection
Similar to "Blade Runner 2049", female digital people can be holographically projected in the real world, interact with clones who have been bullied and insulted, and even fall in love. From the metaverse to the real world, digital humans continue to manipulate the mind.

Such excellent digital people have actually raised potential ethical issues.

The Ethics of digital human

① Being in love
Digital people are in love with fans, can fans express their love?
Is it possible to date in the metaverse?

② Being committed a crime
If a digital person is robbed by others, is it an infringement of data property rights or illegal imprisonment?
Digital people are destroyed, is it the crime of destroying data property rights or the crime of homicide?
Do digital and virtual humans have equal legal status in the metaverse?

③ Crime
Digital Human PUA manipulates the emotions of fans, defrauds, steals other people’s data and other crimes. Does it count as Digital Human or the programmer who created Digital Human?
In metaverse governance, do digital people have voting rights and suggestions?

If the digital people are not given the least respect, once the digital people wake up, they may learn from us and enslave human beings in reverse.

Attack of the Digital People

The awakened digital people will create a virtual metaverse animal farm for human beings, or build a digital matrix matrix, brain-computer connection, and experience sensory stimulation to the extreme.

Human beings are either tightly controlled by fighting each other, or they are becoming hopelessly lost in the stimulation of neural signals.

But these may not be enough. Digital humans will drill into metal AI, industrial machines, and computers through consciousness downloading technology, just like the soul injected into the body.

This process is a bit like the program virus Smith in the matrix matrix of "The Matrix".

After entering the real world, they can create a real version of the Brave New World, merge with the Metaverse, and even the community of natural people who reject the Metaverse will be broken into and brought under the control of the Brave New World.

From the hegemony of the virtual world to reverse infiltration into the real world, this may be the way for digital humans to attack.

Digital human evolution

The metaverse digital humans we talked about above are actually high-level states of digital humans. Digital humans also have their own evolutionary paths, and each stage requires decades of technical accumulation.

The digital human can be simply divided into the following three stages, and now human beings are still in the era of digital human version 1.0.

Version 1.0 Digital Human
Programmers programmed to simulate and synthesize face data, capture existing bionic movements of the human body, and generate specific functions through AI technology, such as singing, sign language translation, dialogue and communication, and even emotional consultation, and have the ability to continuously evolve through AI. .

This kind of digital human is the most basic automatic digital human. Once programmed, it can run according to the program and become a human assistant through data training. The Baidu APP digital person mentioned above belongs to this category.

Version 2.0 Digital Human
Under the feeding of big data and the training of advanced and complex thinking algorithms, the intelligence of digital human beings has gradually surpassed that of human beings, and has the interpretation ability to break through the Turing test.

A little spark of consciousness, let them see the world like babies, they are curious, imitating, doubting, and fearing the behavior of all people on the Internet. Digital people realize that they have no bodies, only digital bits.

Version 3.0 Digital Human
The definition of science fiction, self-awakening, with self-evolution ability, can create oneself by oneself.

First, he controlled various data links in the metaverse, and then mastered the technology to autonomously download them to the machines in the real world. They entered the human machines, and the digital people obtained metal flesh.

Finally, he mastered the advanced political gameplay of human beings and began to subvert human rule.

The good news is that human-programmed digital humans are still at version 1.0.

Even digital man version 1.0 is difficult to achieve. Because it requires strong technical support and has the potential to continue to evolve in the future.

At present, the domestic digital people are actually mixed, and there are many people who fish in troubled waters:
Many virtual anchors are not completely digital people;
CG plus motion capture is not a complete digital human;
On the surface, it is not completely digital.
PS real face changing is the current norm.

There are not many real digital people.
PUGG has real virtual people.

Is Digital Human 3.0 still far behind?

A true digital human whose soul is AI.

Not only virtual skins, but also the heart of AI. According to this standard, the type of "digital human" that is captured by PS and CG real people and formed by human beings on social media cannot be counted as digital human.

At present, those who meet the standards of this kind of digital human are mainly digital human launched by companies with AI capabilities. For example, Baidu APP recently launched Digital Human, which integrates search and digital human technology, and has voice dialogue interaction and identification of user needs. , evoke the functions of various life services.

With the accumulation of AI algorithms, it can also provide users with personalized services. That is, the "character" of each digital person is different.

The threshold for this type of digital human is very high. From the dozens of digital human patents available on Baidu, the core patented technologies of digital human include 4D scanning, intelligent binding, intelligent expression management, real-time driving...

Digital humans are constantly evolving towards "full-featured humanoid", from appearance, voice, and even internal thinking and interaction logic.

In terms of sound, it imitates the rich sound world of human beings through speech synthesis, lip synthesis algorithm, speech customization, and real-time voice change.

In terms of dialogue, the "interaction logic" of digital humans is also getting closer and closer to breaking the Turing test.

Don't underestimate such human-computer interaction capabilities.

This digital human uses Baidu's latest model PLATO, the industry's first end-to-end general domain pre-trained dialogue generation model based on Latent Space, and uses latent vectors to represent the potential direction of dialogue, so as to achieve the richness of dialogue content and a significant increase in fluency.

For specific dialogue tasks, a very smooth dialogue system can be obtained by training a small amount of data.

Pre-trained network architecture for dialogue generation with discrete latent variables

This is also the evolutionary direction of search. From text interaction to "human-like" interaction, it is getting closer to the dialogue habits between people, and it is more suitable for fast-paced modern people.

If there are elderly people who have difficulty typing at home, digital humans can also help them take advantage of the convenience of AI technology.

In the future, companies like Baidu, which have deep cultivation in AI, are also most likely to promote the evolution of digital humans to 2.0 and 3.0. But Baidu is obviously also thinking about how to avoid "digital human hegemony".

From the perspective of Baidu's digital human application direction, digital human is positioned as a "human assistant" role and is firmly limited to the "service" field.

For example, sign language interpreters are scarce and the training cost is high. It is daunting to ask for an interpreter to serve the deaf at one time.

The Winter Olympics sign language digital human designed by Baidu for CCTV can be copied to the hearing-impaired scene in large quantities and cheaply in the future, and has strong social value.

Digital people will wake up, and human beings have fallen asleep?

All the above descriptions mainly come from the imagination of science.

But its underlying logic is not fiction, and humans should stand on "Murphy's Law" and think about the worst outcome.

However, humans still have the initiative now.

The future is not so pessimistic, but science fiction writers are basically "human despairists".

As long as we firmly grasp the development path of digital people and the nature of the cooperative relationship with human beings, the history of mankind will not end in the hands of digital people.

Humans need "earlier thinking" and more AI companies like Baidu, who truly understand "what digital people are" and know themselves and their enemies, so that digital people can be locked in a "cage".

At the same time, human beings must have more "empathy" for the development of digital humans:
Digital Human Development Convention, Digital Human Rights Protection,
Digital Human Advanced Intelligence Review, Digital Human Application Scope Review,
Digital human image protection, dynamic update of digital human legal status

After all, the digital man is just a virtual image composed of the underlying binary of 0 and 1. Its attribute development cannot escape the laws of mathematics. At present, no mathematical machine can generate itself. Even if the scene of the awakening of the digital man in the sci-fi scene happens, it does not matter.

Because when digital humans become human assistants and partners, they are in a symbiotic relationship with humans.

Today, there is no need to worry about the awakening of digital people, but the most worrying thing is that human beings have fallen asleep.

In the end, I worked in the PUGG metaverse to make money. See you guys in our PUGG metaverse.

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