Now I wanted to connect to it via JSON-RPC and being requesting new addresses, checking balances, creating unsigned transactions.
I see these methods in the code, but do I need to manually write my RPC interface to the client? Can I reuse one of the various bitcoind clients pointing toward armoryd? Are they similar enough?
found the configuration file reference in the code.
Also here is a related question on SO:
I made some successful calls!
import pyjsonrpc
http_client = pyjsonrpc.HttpClient(
url = "http://localhost:8225",
username= "username",
password = "password"
Couple of things to note, obviously had to install pyjsonrpc via PIP, and also had to create an `armoryd.conf` file in my ~/.armory/ directory, with the username and password in the format: username:password
This isn't documented so far as I can see, but wanted to point that out
Thanks for the hint! I am currently struggling with armoryd's lack of documentation as well...