Any group of Muslims is welcome to come to the Texas Capitol and do whatever they want, and if they start by emphasizing sincerely that they do not support violence, I am certain that even groups that came there to protest would be very impressed.
Nothing more American than gathering to sing the national anthem and talk about getting more people involved in government. The Christian bigots there were determined to not let that happen. Your certainty that a group of bigots would keep an open mind is unconvincing. The picture of the crusaders says it all:
What a fine group of open-minded individuals these must be!Hmm....
Are you implying that this was not a LEGAL counter protest? It doesn't matter what their signs say, actually I find them somewhat funny.
Your argument is full of exaggeration and innuendo, isn't it?
The Christian bigots
a group of bigots
picture of the crusadersThe simple fact is that CAIR, a known terrorist organization, organized an event at the Texas Capitol and they got called on it, in a counter protest. The signs are actually kind of funny-
radical islam is the new nazi
us border -you are entering a sharia free zone
go home and take obama with youNobody was arrested, so I'm not seeing any significant interference existed.
Unless you are also going to suggest the Capitol police were in on the conspiracy?
1) Never implied anything about illegal counter protest; the counter protest is perfectly legal I'm assuming on the basis that no protest should ever be illegal. I'm just remarking on the disgrace of a bunch of bigots who are proud of how bigoted they are.
2) These people aren't protesting CAIR. They're protesting Muslims. The signs make it plain exactly who their target is, and why they're protesting. Note the total lack of mentions of CAIR, in fact, I'd be surprised if any of those yokels pictured even know what CAIR stands for. They're just proud to be there doing the lord's work of yelling at people with a different god than them.
3) Apparently in your world, the interference of an event is only evidenced by arrests. How drole!
4) My argument is full of innuendo, yes, and plenty of judgment. But exaggeration, no. Bigots gonna bigot, and I'm gonna call them on it, because they're a disgrace to this country. But you're perfectly free to continue defending the bottom feeders as noble folk. After all, if they didn't have the admiration of like-minded folks somewhere, they might be shamed into being decent, or at least quiet.
The simple fact is that CAIR, a commonly alleged terrorist organization by conservative and christian groups, organized an event at the Texas Capitol, which sparked a counter protest by christian and conservative activists.
Btw, the signs are funny, but probably not in the way you think, and more of a
I can't believe there are actually people who are so misguided kinda way. That woman on the right...
classic conservative!