It's now more like a common situation that the world is always at war with one another.
We know some religious people believe that a time like this will come when nations will fight against nations and kingdoms will fight against kingdoms and then the end of the world will come.
What's your take on this occurrence and the possibility that this prediction might be true?
I agree with your submission on the religious aspect because as a religious person, I believe everything on the face of the earth has been predestined and they are only happening at the time they were meant to happen. This for me, is the case of the world wars.
Another thing that, because of the nature of man, which is vehemently designed with interest, man will always do things that will favor them, regardless of what the next person feels. Because of our selfish interest, we decide to shelf the interest of others in that regards. This is majorly what is causing conflicts. From an intrapersonal conflict to interpersonal and multiple interests.
We are because it's the aftermath of old conflicts. Some Russians never accepted that Ukraine became a sovereign state after the fall of the Soviet Union. They are used to some former soviet states being obedient to them, so this is getting on their nerves. Ukraine on the other hand would like to be like the Baltic States that joined the EU. It doesn't want to be another Belarus to Russia, or worse, another Chechnya.
This could be compared to Israel and Palestine, where Israel is the invader that won the first part of the conflict, but many Palestinians refuse to accept defeat and this is understandable. They respond with violence that gives birth to more violence from the Israeli side and this is going to continue until one of the nations gets wiped out, or reduced to numbers that are unable to fight anymore.
Everything is vested by interest. But it's unfortunate that these country allow themselves to be tricked by the USA using their Divide and Conquer strategy to distract them and get resources and control over them. At a point, when you look deeply at all these things, you will realize that some super power countries are only taking advantage of the least powerful countries or the weak ones. Else all these conflicts could be resolved through the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) methods where the both conflicting partners will be brought to a table for resolution.