About PeatioPeatio is a free and open-source project with an entire solution to the establishment of a crypto-currency exchange, as its major functions are embedded in the source code. People who are in favor of exchange building techniques could modify and use the code to create their own exchange.
For more introduction of us, please look in
this thread.
Known Exchanges using PeatioPeatio Exchange - Peatio Cryptocurrency Exchange in China
ACX.IO - Australian Cryptocurrency Exchange
coindex.ch - Swiss Bitcoin Exchange
Mulcoin.comecoinz.info (Launch soon) - New Zealand Cryptocurrency Exchange
SPOT THE LOOPHOLE!To help Peatio maintain secure, improve performance and strengthen the defense, we appeal this contest, encouraging hackers to make contributions to the evolving and thriving of crypto currency, and to making Peatio the most reliable and the easiest-to-use exchange.
AWARD: 10 BTCParticipant Eligibilities: there are NONE.What You Need to Do:a. Spot loopholes in the code that we released on our Github page:
https://github.com/peatio/peatio (Out of scope: 3rd party apps - Ruby, RubyGems, MySQL, etc.)
b. Report and email to
[email protected] along with the loophole you spotted
Contest Rules:a. The loophole you submit must be unissued.
b. If a loophole/vulnerability was reported by more than one person, we would only consider the earliest one to be eligible.
c. Fixed loopholes will be announced on our Github page for references, avoiding repeated submits.
d. The jury are developers of Peatio, who will do hazard rating according to how harmful the submitted loophole is to the user data and to the assets of Peatio.
e. Every participant that submits valid loopholes/vulnerabilities will be rewarded according to the rating result.
f. Rewarded Hackers will be notified via email.
g. Peatio reserves the right of final explanation and revision for the terms.
If anyone has any questions at all about this contest, please contact us via email or post your question directly in this thread.
Thank you!